MPSI prides itself on performing the best predictive maintenance techniques for both analysis and collection in the industry while maintaining a flawless saftey record. 

Vibration Analysis

The main technology behind predictive maintenance. Here are some of the steps that go into properly setting up a program.

  • Evaluation of the proposed equipment determining what needs testing and how often
  • Research the equipment for internal information
  • Creating vibration analysis databases 

We also use different techniques for collecting vibration analysis data as well. We use both standard waveform and spectral data along side demodulation high frequency data. This technology only looks at very high frequency impacts found when metal to metal contact is occurring and is an excellent tool for picking up early bearing or gearing defects.

Non Destructive Testing (NDT)

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is a very important tool for determining the current condition of components both rotating and structural. With NDT we are able to see cracks and anomalies in everything from gear teeth and shafts to shovel booms and drill masts. MPSI can test predetermined stress points on these very unique pieces of equipment using methods such as Mag Particle and Ultrasound Testing. We have developed tailor specific NDT programs for many of today’s haul trucks, shovels, drills, and loaders.

Infrared thermography

Infrared thermography is a great tool for both rotating equipment and of course electrical components. When looking at rotating equipment the heat signature can not only be useful for doing spot checks but also is good for trending over time. Electrical components can be inspected for problems like loose connections and overloaded circuits, etc.